Some People Think Others Can’t survive Without Them.

You can be addicted to a person and you may think you cannot do without them. You invest in your relationship with them and put in your all for everything to work out.

Sometimes, the other person begins to think you are hooked and cannot do with them. They start to take advantage of the fact that you rely on them for emotional, physical or financial support.

But they forget one basic thing. Everyone is replaceable!

 It is extremely unhealthy if you have a mindset that you cannot possibly function and live life correctly without somebody else.

When someone leaves you, it might be hard to accept especially when you have invested your all in a relationship and it failed. It’s difficult, but after a while, you have to remember that you want to be with someone who is in love with you and wants to be with you, not just someone who shared some memories with you.

If anyone wants to walk away from you, let them go. If someone can show you they can live without you, it simply shows you where you stand in their lives.

You have to realize, that the only person you really can’t live without is yourself. Do not give someone the power to make you feel like you can’t survive on your own. Always know there is someone out there willing to fight to keep you in their lives.

To get over the one who leaves

  • Return to that point in your live when you didn’t have anyone. Focus on yourself . Enjoy being single again and return to finding a replacement.
  • Do not underestimate the things that bring you happiness. always surround yourself with the people who love and support you.
  • Talk to others who have been through the same issue. They might just have a way to make you overcome this stress even faster.
  • Don’t have too much of free time on your hands. Spend your time on the things you like to do.
  • Concentrate on yourself. You might be surprised how much strength you have to overcome this.

The only person whom you can’t live without is you yourself !

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